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Eppley Helps Accessibility Take Flight at the Wright Brothers National Memorial

On December 17, 1903 Wilbur and Orville Wright pioneered the first ever successful airplane flight. “What they achieved changed our world forever” (NPS). The Wright Brothers National Memorial in Kill Devil Hills, North Carolina commemorates this historical feat, and everyone deserves access to it. The… Read More »Eppley Helps Accessibility Take Flight at the Wright Brothers National Memorial

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Eppley Shares Lessons from Unexpected Collaborations During Accessibility Training in Alaska

Eppley project managers Kate Wiltz and Colleen Durkin-Blackburn recently returned from Anchorage where last minute challenges at an accessibility training provided win-win opportunities for Eppley and our public and private nonprofit partners. To start, the National Park Service couldn’t find enough NPS employees in Alaska… Read More »Eppley Shares Lessons from Unexpected Collaborations During Accessibility Training in Alaska

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Former Eppley Staff Members Continue to Make Impacts on New Career Paths

Eppley, as a unit of Indiana University, is committed to the ongoing growth and development of our staff. In a way, many of the staff are continuing their learning journey by design at Eppley as we continue our mission. This approach benefits agencies, communities, individual… Read More »Former Eppley Staff Members Continue to Make Impacts on New Career Paths

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Eppley Continues its Commitment to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Social Justice

In keeping with societal need and Indiana Institute on Disability and Community (IIDC) initiatives, the Eppley Institute took an intentional and strategic path toward its efforts to advance diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice (DEIJ) in parks, recreation, and public lands. The thoughtfully-considered approach involved… Read More »Eppley Continues its Commitment to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Social Justice

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Eppley-NCA Continues to Focus on Accessibility in Parks Through Training and Assessments

The Eppley Institute for Parks and Public Lands has been a leader in adult education surrounding parks and recreation for many years. As Eppley merged with National Center on Accessibility (NCA), the commitment to the NCA program has been reinforced with creation of modified classroom-based… Read More »Eppley-NCA Continues to Focus on Accessibility in Parks Through Training and Assessments