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Facility Management

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Schedule an Outdoor and Recreation Accessibility Workshop for your Agency or Region

Eppley’s National Center on Accessibility (NCA) program continues to busy working with public agencies and private organizations around the nation. Recent work with U.S. Forest Service on accessibility, along with continued work training professionals on the fundamentals of accessibility in the outdoors, parks and recreation are… Read More »Schedule an Outdoor and Recreation Accessibility Workshop for your Agency or Region

Eppley Center for Parks and Public Lands logo

Gain a Certificate in Facility Asset Management Best Practices from Eppley at a discount!

Competency Check: Facility Asset Management is a foundational competency for parks, recreation, and public lands organizations. Stewarding the lands, infrastructure, buildings, and outdoor recreation facilities on public lands is, in many cases, why the agency exists. Everyone almost always agrees that the management of these… Read More »Gain a Certificate in Facility Asset Management Best Practices from Eppley at a discount!

Eppley Center for Parks and Public Lands logo

Eppley’s Online Learning Catalog Updated

Eppley’s online learning catalog has been updated with over 270 courses and over 100 listings on the IU Expand system. The public can access these courses at the Eppley Center for Parks and Public Lands catalog, and over one-half of the courses available are free.… Read More »Eppley’s Online Learning Catalog Updated

proValens Learning logo

Eppley’s Online Learning System, proValens Learning, Upgrading

The proValens online learning system ( offered by the Eppley Institute for Parks and Public Lands has been the leading online learning place for park, recreation, and public lands professionals since 2006. Over 114,000 registered learners have taken courses from Eppley and our many public… Read More »Eppley’s Online Learning System, proValens Learning, Upgrading