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Discounted Foundations of Accessibility Certificate Program in Honor of Global Accessibility Awareness Day

The National Center for Accessibility at the Eppley Center for Parks and Recreation is excited to celebrate “Global Accessibility Awareness Day” on Thursday, May 16th! Global Accessibility Awareness Day was launched by the GAAD Foundation and its purpose is to increase the hype on digital… Read More »Discounted Foundations of Accessibility Certificate Program in Honor of Global Accessibility Awareness Day

Eppley Center for Parks and Public Lands logo

Eppley Continues Online Interpretation Training Course Discount Through 5/31/24

The Eppley Center for Parks and Public Lands will continue its discount of online interpretation courses with 20% discounts on interpretation courses purchased through May 31, 2024, in the Eppley Center catalog. The Eppley Interpretation courses include topics such as foundations of interpretation, roving and… Read More »Eppley Continues Online Interpretation Training Course Discount Through 5/31/24

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Eppley’s National Center on Accessibility Conducts Training for Tennessee Outdoor Recreation Professionals

Colleen Durkin-Blackburn and Kate Wiltz were joined by Ray Bloomer of the National Park Service in Tennessee’s Fall Creek Falls State Park in early April. Their mission: spreading awareness about the disability community and the ways in which parks and recreation sites can remove barriers… Read More »Eppley’s National Center on Accessibility Conducts Training for Tennessee Outdoor Recreation Professionals