Eppley’s online learning courses offer concise, informative, and continuing professional education learning to everyone whenever they wish to learn. There are no class meetings or webinars to attend, and the courses offer continuing education units (CEU).

Learning how to apply wilderness and wilderness like stewardship principles to ‘close to home’ local parks is an emerging new skill set for parks professionals. As climate change, changing needs of communities and opportunities to enhance natural resource areas in local communities grow, Eppley’s Managing Wildlands and Wild Spaces online certificate is just the right learning at the right time because, now through September 30th, there is a 20% discount to enroll in this online certificate program.
Get wild with Eppley’s online learning and receive a 20% discount on the Managing Wildlands and Wild Spaces Certificate through September 30. This course will help you and your team think through management priorities for your preserve, backcountry, or other piece of the wild, or help you redesign underused park space in your community to be wilder, support wildlife and help with creating a diverse public lands profile for your community. Whether a natural preserve, forest park, greenway, or underused local park, managing these natural areas to promote a sense of wilderness for the local community is an important consideration in creating a balanced portfolio of park experiences. Understanding the wildland character and qualities of any wild site will help improve overall stewardship of the resources.
This September marks the 60th anniversary of the signing of the Wilderness Act. Check out the discounted certificate as well as our many wilderness stewardship online courses at Eppley Expand. Register for this course at this link and enter WILD2024 when checking out to get your 20% discount.