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Micro-credentialling Coming to Eppley Expand Course Catalog

Eppley Center for Parks and Public Lands logo

Learners using Eppley’s online courses soon will be able to earn endorsed, digital Indiana University micro-credential (Badges) for their online coursework. Digital badges are the hallmark of micro-credentialling which allow learners to track and demonstrate specific skills and qualifications. These badges can be shared on social media profiles and attached to resumés.

Screenshot of the Eppley Center course catalog on IU Expand

Eppley will be phasing in a competency-based micro-credentialling program beginning late summer 2024. Eppley’s program will be aligned with the World Parks Academy professional competency framework, and other competencies specific to accessibility and outdoor recreation will be added in the near future. Competencies provide a standardized approach to professional development that can be used by employees to identify learning needs, by employers to prioritize their staff training, and by providers like Eppley to verify learning across specific skill sets and knowledge domains. Be on the lookout for more information from Eppley about this fun opportunity to document and share your professional expertise.