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Eppley Call for Survey Participants!

The Eppley Institute for Parks and Public Lands is conducting a national survey of park professionals, Autistic people, and caregivers of Autistic people as part of the Park Autism Research Knowledge Synthesis Project.  Ph.D. candidate Ross Edelstein, Eppley Director Steve Wolter and Indiana Resource Center for Autism Director Cathy Pratt are leading this effort for Eppley and the Indiana Institute on Disability and Community. Indiana University faculty and graduate students in the Recreation Therapy major are engaged on the research team. The preliminary investigation has found that few park and recreation agencies have programs and accommodations specifically designed for individuals with autism.

This first phase is looking for feedback on your experiences and will help develop tools that parks will be able to use to support Autistic visitors.  

If you are a park professional, you can complete the survey here

If you are an Autistic person, you can complete the survey here.

If you are the caregiver of an Autistic person, you can complete the survey here

If you know of someone, or are an individual with autism, and would like to share your experience with the research team, please contact us at